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World Cafe

Montag, 17.05.2021

The World Cafe of our practise firms took place on Tuesday, 22th April. The "World Café" method is about people who work together in a company or even other institutions, getting in touch with each other and exchanging ideas. The idea behind it is, that this exchange takes place in the form of group discussions and that in a "coffee house atmosphere".

This "coffee house atmosphere" is intended to facilitate the exchange of ideas among each other or also to activate the people involved to participate accordingly. Through this informal type of communication, networking between areas and synergy effects can be better understood and even improved. Creative ideas for further development of the own company can be generated.

In simplified terms, this means that everyone leaves "footprints" in their discussions, in which they also deal with other areas of the company for a change and contribute ideas. The World Café method replaces job rotation in KFUNIline and in the eXpand.

Of course, it is a challenge to organize and implement this method in the COVID pandemic. However, in order to implement the World Café in the best possible way, the tool wonder.me was used, which gave all participants the opportunity to exchange ideas in small groups. All participants were able to share their ideas and open questions with other departments, making processes more transparent.

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