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Exciting Info Day at the Practice Enterprise UniLine

Mittwoch, 22.05.2024

On the late afternoon of May 13th, we hosted a highly anticipated info day, marking an important milestone for students gearing up for the next semester. The event was centered around introducing our practice enterprise that students will be engaging with in their upcoming studies.

The info day saw a turnout of 16 enthusiastic participants, including three who joined the session online, reflecting our commitment to inclusivity and flexibility. Organized by the Corporate Support department, the event was meticulously planned to ensure a seamless and informative experience for all attendees.

Our session kicked off with a comprehensive presentation detailing the objectives, structure, and expectations of the UniLine practice enterprise. Students were given an insightful overview of the various roles they would undertake, the projects they would handle, and the skills they would develop throughout the semester. The presentation emphasized the importance of collaboration, innovation, and practical problem-solving, core elements that UniLine aims to instill in its participants.

After the presentation there was sufficient time for a Q&A session, allowing students to voice their queries and gain clarity on any uncertainties. To add a touch of conviviality to the event, a buffet was provided. This not only catered to the attendees' needs but also fostered a relaxed atmosphere where students could network and discuss their thoughts.

Overall, the info day was a resounding success, laying a solid foundation for the upcoming semester’s practice enterprise.

We look forward to witnessing the growth and achievements of the upcoming UniLine members!

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