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Mission Statement

UniLine Education & Consulting GmbH is committed to advancing business relationships in the practice enterprise network while prioritizing learning, development, and innovation. Rooted in the values of digitalization, sustainability, and hands-on learning, we aim to foster growth and positive change both locally and globally. Our overarching goal is to facilitate the expansion of businesses by offering personalized consulting services and educational training, fostering success and fulfillment for all stakeholders.

Guiding Principles

At UniLine, we operate under the principles of total quality management and continuous improvement processes, striving for excellence in every aspect of our operations. We invite partners, learners, and collaborators to join us in creating a future where education, sustainability, and further development converge for a better world. Our commitment to sustainability extends to responsible business practices, including minimizing waste and conserving natural resources.

Creating a Culture of Learning

We foster a culture of continuous learning and reflection, recognizing the importance of pedagogy in our work. Our approach is enriched by three perspectives: the roles of employees, learners, and future teachers, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of transformative education and consultancy. Through flexible working arrangements and a collaborative environment, we empower our team to thrive and innovate on our own responsibility.

Empowering Teachers and Students

UniLine serves as a dynamic and hands-on learning environment for both students and teachers alike. We provide opportunities for personal and professional development, emphasizing the role of teachers in shaping the future of practice enterprises. Through engagement with the PDCA cycle and pedagogical reflection, we equip our team with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their roles as teachers and leaders.

Status: April 2024

UniLine Education & Consulting GmbH

Universitätsstraße 15 - G1 8010 Graz

Practice Enterprise | University of Graz RESOWI Centre

Phone:+43 316 380 - 3537
Fax:+43 316 380 - 9571

Office hours:
Tuesday, 11:30 a.m. till 1:30 p.m.

FN: 1535 | ACT Court

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